Top 6 Reasons to Hire a Professional Cat Sitter in New Jersey

by | Feb 25, 2024 | Cat Care

Choosing the best cat sitting service is crucial for the well-being of your fur baby while you’re away. In South Orange, Maplewood and surrounding towns, the Silver Hound team offers unparalleled expertise and care to ensure your cat receives the attention and comfort they deserve. Let’s dive into why choosing the best cat sitting service is a decision you’ll be glad you made!

Benefit #1: Personalized understanding of your cat

At Silver Hound, we take the time to get to know your cat inside and out. From their favorite hiding spots to their preference of where their food bowl is placed, we develop a deep understanding of your pet’s needs and preferences. We do so via our Meet & Greet and our online Silver Hound portal, in which we ask you exactly the right questions. This personalized approach ensures that your cat feels comfortable and cared for during your absence, minimizing stress and anxiety.

Benefit #2: A familiar environment for your cat with a friend who comes over

Unlike boarding facilities, where cats can feel disoriented and stressed, our cat sitting service allows your pet to stay in the comfort of their own home. Familiar surroundings help alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of security, ensuring a smoother transition while you’re away. We make sure to play, cuddle or interact in another way with your cat, so (s)he gets the attention and love (s)he is used to .. just from another human friend. A lot of the cats in our care start out shy, but open up pretty quickly and are happily greeting us once we walk in.
We also take our time with very shy cats – at times they have come around to be pet, which left their owners speechless!

Benefit #3: Additional Home Care services

On top of looking after your cat, we can also take care of things like picking up your mail/packages and watering your plants.
We also train our employees to watch out for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. It’s all part of the package to keep your home safe and in good shape while you’re away, giving you one less thing to worry about.


Benefit #4: Convenient and stress-free experience for your cat

With our cat sitting service, there’s no need to wrestle your cat into a carrier or adhere to strict pick-up and drop-off times. Our sitters come directly to your home, allowing your cat to relax in familiar surroundings without the added stress of travel.

Benefit #5: Regular Updates and Communication

We understand how important it is to stay connected with your cat while you’re away. That’s why we send you daily updates, including photos and a quick rundown of what your cat’s been up to. It’s our way of keeping you in the loop and giving you peace of mind about your fur baby’s happiness.


Benefit #6: Reliable Backup Support with Sitters from South Orange/Maplewood or nearby towns

Life can be unpredictable, but our cat sitting service offers a reliable backup plan in case of emergencies. Whether it’s illness or unexpected circumstances, rest assured that your cat will always receive the care and attention they need, since another cat sitter who knows your cat can always jump in (usually the manager).

Benefit #7: Decades of cat care experience in Maplewood and South Orange

The Silver Hound team boasts decades of collective experience in cat care. Our founders, Zue and O’Brian, have a deep passion for feline companionship and have dedicated their lives to ensuring the happiness and well-being of cats in South Orange & Maplewood.
We know what to look for when hiring the most loving, dependable and trustworthy cat sitters. And we train them according to our strict policies and guidelines. With us you will get a team of Silver Hound Employees not independent contractors, who are paid fairly and who just love cats!

So, how do you get started?

1. It all starts with you filling out our Client Questionnaire Form.
Through this form we make sure that we have open availability for your area. We will then contact you within 24 business hours and answer any questions you might have.

2. Scheduling a Meet & Greet is the next step.
We will come to your home to meet you and your cat(s) and to discuss the entire care routine for your cat. This is an important step, because besides becoming intimately acquainted with your cat, (s)he will be able to sniff (on) us, so (s)he is already somewhat familiar with us when we come to visit them without you being there.

3. Now you are all set!
You can log into your account on our Silver Hound portal 24/7 and schedule services.

We can’t wait to get to know you and your sweetheart(s)!!

Who we are

We are a carefully selected team, consisting out of individuals who care deeply about pets and humans … doing what’s right and Best for your pet and you!
You can read more on how we started right here.

how you get care

Just fill out our Client Questionnaire Form or set up a Consultation Call and we will get back to you within a few hours.
We are here for you when you need us.
And we can’t wait to get to know your furry loved one! ❤️

Useful Links

Learn about our Dog Walking Services right here.
Need Cat Sitting? We have you covered!
Any Question? Find a collection of our FAQs here.


Dog Care

Cat Care

how we work

Written by Zue Kupfer

Zue is the owner of Silver Hound Dog Walking and is currently responsible for everything behind the scenes. Chances are very high that you are going to email or talk with her.

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